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Katherine Acton

Professor and Chair, Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

  • Education
  • PhD in Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2009
    MSE in Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2008
    BA in Mathematics and English, Williams College, 2000
  • Expertise
  • Engineering Mechanics, including computational modeling of composite materials, probabilistic and multiscale modeling, finite element analysis, modeling of nonlinear material behavior.
  • Research Interests
  • Computational modeling of composite materials, Finite Element Modeling, Modeling nonlinear material behavior, including plasticity and viscoelasticity
Dr. Acton has a background in Civil Engineering in the area of engineering mechanics. She has performed research in the behavior of metal matrix composites, functionally graded materials, laminates and polymers. Her research has been funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), and the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), and Information Storage Industry Consortium (INSIC). Dr. Acton has teaching experience in Statics, Mechanics, Dynamics, Structural Analysis, and Finite Element Analysis. She is the principal investigator on an NSF S-STEM Track 2 grant entitled "APEX: Alternative Pathways for Excellence." As part of this program, Dr. Acton is helping to secure effective transfer pathways for community college students to succeed in the St. Thomas engineering program.