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Gain skills and digital credentials quickly with a graduate micro-credential.

Statistical Quality Control and DOE

Earn your Graduate Micro-Credential in Statistical Quality Control and Design of Experiments (DOE)

The Graduate Micro-Credential in Statistical Quality Control and Design of Experiments (DOE)program is designed for professionals who are responsible for product development and/or manufacturing process improvement who would like to increase their skills in applied statistical software (such as Minitab).Students participating in this program will gain skills in applying statistics to a wide variety of manufacturing and design engineering situations.

Program benefits include: reducing part-to-part variation, lowering cost, improving reliability, and factoring out the “noise” in a manufacturing process to determine the most significant control factors.

Taught by Tom Keenan, a leading industry expert in applied statistical software, this graduate-level micro-credential is a practical and industry-relevant way to gain expertise quickly in an ever-changing landscape and realize a competitive edge.

In just two classes, you will earn a micro-credential and digital badge to bolster your resume and online profile. Badges are a convenient way to digitally showcase and share expertise and help differentiate yourself in the market.

Students have the option to use coursework from this graduate micro-credential to continue in a graduate certificate or master’s degree program in manufacturing engineering or mechanical engineering offered by the School of Engineering.


Bob Bach

Clinical Professor and Program Director, MS in Manufacturing Engineering
Robert Bach headshot
Phone Number
student points at a tablet screen displaying charts

How to earn a graduate micro-credential

Graduate Micro-Credential in Statistical Quality Control and Design of Experiments Requirements

To complete the Graduate Micro-Credential in Statistical Quality Control and Design of Experiments (DOE), you must complete the following two required graduate engineering courses (6 graduate semester credits) with a GPA of 2.7 or higher:

Two Required Courses:

  • ETLS 506  Statistical Methods for Manufacturing Quality 
  • ETLS 701  Design of Experiments 

View the Graduate Programs in Engineering (ETLS) course catalog.

Graduate Micro-Credentials That Work for You

Our evening class schedules allow both industry professionals and career changers to achieve their educational goals. And each class meets just once per week.

Convenient Schedule

Our programs serve working professionals with busy lives. You choose how quickly you move through the curriculum. And you may begin your program in fall, spring or summer.
View Our Course Schedule
Student sits in front of computer taking notes

Attend an Information Session

Attend an online information session to learn program details. Our programs serve working professionals with busy lives. Set your own pace and start fall, spring or summer. Classes are offered in the evenings. We look forward to meeting you.

Register for an Information Session