Dr. David Forliti's research interests are in the general areas of fluid mechanics and combustion, and he has been working in these areas for the past twenty years. The research includes a broad range of subjects including control of turbulent flows, supersonic shear flows, flame stabilization, combustion instability, experimental methods, and hydrodynamic stability. David has experience in academia at the State University of New York at Buffalo and was a Senior Research Scientist working for Jackson and Tull and Sierra Lobo, Inc. as an on-site contractor at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base. His work is primarily experimental in nature, although he has also worked in the areas of hydrodynamic stability theory and has collaborated with researchers in modeling and simulation applications.
Dr. Forliti received the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in 2006 for his research in the area of fluidic flame stabilization. He also worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base through the Summer Faculty Fellowship program where he worked on novel methods for inducing deflagration-to-detonation transition in pulse detonation engines. David has spent the last several years conducting research related to liquid rocket engine combustion devices in the context of efficient and stable combustion processes.
Dr. Forliti and his colleagues were recognized for their work in multiphase flows as recipients of the 2015 Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS) W. R. Marshall Award. His research is motivated to maximize efficiency and performance while minimizing the environmental impact of energy and propulsion systems.
Learn about the Forliti Research Group.
Forliti, D. J., Salazar, D. V. and Bishop, A. J., "Physics-based scaling laws for confined and unconfined transverse jets," Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 56, pp. 1-16, 2015.
Hajesfandiari, A. and Forliti, D. J., "On the influence of internal density variations on the linear stability characteristics of planar shear layers," Physics of Fluids Vol. 26, 054102, 2014.
Knox, B. W., Forliti, D. J., Stevens, C. A., Hoke, J. L. and Schauer, F. R., "A comparison of fluidic and physical obstacles for deflagration-to-detonation transition," AIAA paper 2011-587, 49th AIAA aerospace sciences meeting including the new horizons forum and aerospace exposition, Orlando, FL, 2011.
Carr, Z. R., Ahmed, K. A. and Forliti, D. J., "Spatially correlated precision error in digital particle image velocimetry measurements of turbulent flows," Experiments in fluids Vol. 47, pp. 95-106, 2009.
Ahmed, K. A., Forliti, D. J., Moody, J. K., & Yamanaka, R., 'Flowfield characteristics of a confined transverse slot jet' AIAA journal, Vol. 46, pp. 94-103, 2008.
Forliti, D. J., Tang, B. A., & Strykowski, P. J., 'An experimental investigation of planar countercurrent turbulent shear layers' Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 530, pp. 241-264, 2005.