Jukka Kukkonen is an automotive engineer by training and worked as a technical trainer and area manager for Ford in Europe. In 2010 he founded Shift2Electric (formerly PlugInConnect) to focus on transportation electrification. Jukka has deep knowledge of the electric vehicle market and he specializes in market dynamics and real-life user perspectives. He has built programs for utility companies, condominium and apartment building charging, workplace charging, DC fast charging, outreach and education and smart grid integration. In 2012 he started the MN PEV Owners' Circle, which has become one of the largest and most active regional plug-in vehicle owner groups in the nation. Jukka has also drawn on his automotive industry background to build and execute impactful auto dealer outreach, engagement and training programs.
Examples of current business partnerships and projects:
Shift2Electric websites:
Courses Taught at St. Thomas: