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Brittany Nelson-Cheeseman

Professor and Director, Materials Science and Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

  • Education
  • PhD, 2009, Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
    DE (Designated Emphasis), 2009, NanoscaleScience and Engineering
    MS, 2007, Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
    BS, 2003, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • Expertise
  • Electronic and Magnetic Materials, Nanomaterials, Thin Films, Functional Composites, 3D-Printing, Smart Materials, Materials Characterization and Testing, Materials Selection.
  • Research Interests
  • Materials science and engineering, nanoscale science and engineering, smart materials, magnetic and electronic materials, additive manufacturing / 3D printing / fused deposition modeling / wire-arc additive manufacturing, next generation energy materials, complex oxides, thin films and heterostructures, engineering education, interdisciplinary education, intercultural education.

Brittany's research group focuses on novel composite materials for additive manufacturing to order to achieve new advances in magnetic elastomer smart materials. These materials achieve remote contactless motion for soft robotic applications inside the human body or inside/outside a vessel. Earlier in her career, Brittany focused on creating and investigating novel nanoscale materials for energy efficient electronics that last longer on a single battery charge. In addition to extensive national and international collaborations, she utilized a number of national laboratory facilities across the US to complete this research, with a particular focus on characterizing materials by powerful synchrotron (high energy x-ray) radiation techniques. As a postdoctoral researcher at Argonne National Laboratory (US Department of Energy) she utilized oxide molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) in the Center for Nanoscale Materials to craft new materials using the single atomic layer control of MBE. Brittany also carried out work at the Institut de Ciencia de Materials at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, while living in Barcelona, Spain, and has circumnavigated the globe with Semester at Sea, Institute for Shipboard Education, where she took liberal arts courses on the ship and visited 11 different countries. In addition to engineering, she is passionate about intercultural learning both at home and abroad. Brittany is a native of the Twin Cities, having grown up in Southwest Minneapolis.

ORCID ID for Dr. Brittany Nelson-Cheeseman:


  • EGED 613 - Materials Science & Engineering for Educators
  • ENGR 296 - Engineering Peace
  • ENGR 361 - Engineering Materials
  • ENGR 415 - Smart Materials
  • ENGR 480/481 - (Peru) Senior Design Clinic (Advisor)
  • ETLS 771 - Materials Engineering
  • ETLS 776 - Materials Design & Development
  • HONR 480 -  Unpacking the Study Abroad Experience

J.M. Ennis, H.G. Thatcher, T.M. Calascione, J. Lu, N.A. Fischer, S.J. Ziemann, T Höft, and B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman. “Effects of Infill Orientation and Percentage on the Magnetoactive Properties of 3D Printed Magnetic Elastomer Structures.” Additive Manufacturing Letters 4, 100109 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.addlet.2022.100109

S.J. Ziemann, N.A. Fischer, J. Lu, T.J. Lee, J.M. Ennis, T. Höft, and B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman. “Hard Magnetic Elastomers Incorporating Magnetic Annealing and Soft Magnetic Particulate for Fused Deposition Modeling.” AIP Advances 12, 115305 (2022). DOI: 10.1063/5.0119669 *Selected as an “Editor’s Pick”

N. A. Fischer, A. L. Robinson, T. J. Lee, T. M. Calascione, L. Koerner, and B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman. “Magnetic annealing of extruded thermoplastic magnetic elastomers for 3D-Printing via FDM.”  J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 553, 169266 (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2022.169266

T.M. Calascione, N.A. Fischer, T.J. Lee, H.G. Thatcher, and B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman. “Controlling Magnetic Properties of 3D-Printed Magnetic Elastomer Structures via Fused Deposition Modeling.” AIP (American Institute of Physics) Advances 11 (2021), 025223. DOI: 10.1063/9.0000220

L. Truman, E.R. Whitwam, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, L.J. Koerner. “Conductive 3D Printing: Resistivity Dependence Upon Infill Pattern and Application to EMI Shielding.” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31, 14108 (2020). DOI: 10.1007/s10854-020-03965-9

T.J. Lee, A.H. Morgenstern, T. Hoft, and B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman. "Dispersion of Particulate in Solvent Cast Magnetic Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomer Composites." AIMS Materials Science 6, 354-362 (2019). DOI: 10.3934/matersci.2019.3.354.

A.H. Morgenstern, T.M. Calascione, N.A. Fischer, T.J. Lee, J.E. Wentz, and B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman. "Thermoplastic magnetic elastomer for fused filament fabrication." AIMS Materials Science 6, 363-376 (2019). DOI: 10.3934/matersci.2019.3.363.

M.V. Patton, P. Ryan, T. Calascione, N. Fischer, A Morgenstern, N. Stenger, and B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman. "Manipulating Magnetic Anisotropy in Fused Filament Fabricated Parts via Macroscopic Shape, Mesoscopic Infill Orientation, and Infill Percentage." Additive Manufacturing 27, 482-488 (2019). DOI: 10.1016./j.addma.2019.03.026

A.M. Johnson, F.J. Burquest, H.M. Larsen, N. Prill, and B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman. "Stabilization of Sr-rich ultrathin epitaxial films of La2-xSrxCuO4." Thin Solid Films 649, 167-170 (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2018.01.046

L.M.Bollig, M.V. Patton, G.S. Mowry, and B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman. "Effects of 3D Printed Structural Characteristics on Magnetic Properties." IEEE Trans. on Magnetics 53, 1-6 (2017). DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2698034

L.M. Bollig,P.J. Hilpisch, G.S. Mowry, and B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman. "3D Printed Magnetic Polymer Composite Transformers." J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 442, 97-101 (2017).DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2017.06.070

B. Plourde, L.J. Vallez, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, and J.P. Abraham. "Transcutaneous Recharge: A Comparison of Numerical Simulation to In Vivo Experiments." Neuromodulation 20, 613-621 (2017). DOI: 10.1111/ner.1262

E.M. Sparrow, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, W.J. Minkowycz, J.M. Gorman, J.P. Abraham. "Use of multi-lumen catheters to preserve injected stem cell viability and injectant dispersion." Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine 18, S49-S57 (2017). DOI:10.1016/j.carrev.2017.03.022

R.T. Bourdon, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, and J.P. Abraham. "Review on the initial treatment and avoidance of scald injuries." World Journal of Dermatology 6, 17-26(2017). DOI: 10.5314/wjd.v6.i2.17

J.P. Abraham, B.B. Nelson Cheeseman, E. M. Sparrow, J.E. Wentz, J.M. Gorman, S.E. Wolf. "Comprehensive Method to Predict and Quantify Scald Burns from Beverage Spills." Int. J. Hyperthermia 32, 900-910(2016).DOI:10.1080/02656736.2016.1211752

R.T. Bourdon, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, and J.P. Abraham. "Prediction, Identification, and Initial Treatment Guide for Scald Injuries." Austin J Emergency & Crit Care Med 3, 1043(2016).

B.D. Plourde, L.J. Vallez, B.Sun, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, J.P. Abraham, and C.S.Staniloae. "Alterations in blood flow through arteries following atherectomy and the impact on pressure variation and velocity." Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology 7, 280-289 (2016) DOI: 10.1007/s13239-016-0269-7.

B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman and K. Steuer. "Accountability in the Flipped Classroom: Student-Generated Pre-Lecture Concept Reflections." Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Education, New Orleans, LA (2016).

J.P. Abraham, B.D. Plourde, L.J. Vallez, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, "Correcting a Prevalent Misunderstanding of Burns." Burns 42, 715 (2016). DOI: 10.1016/j.burns.2016.01.003

J.P. Abraham, B.D. Plourde, L.J. Vallez, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, J.R. Stark, J.M. Gorman, E.M. Sparrow, "Skin Burns", Theory and Application of Heat Transfer in Humans, edited by Devashish Shrivastava, Wiley (2018).

G. Mowry, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, and J. Wentz. "3D Printed Electro and Opto Machines." US Patent Disclosure.Application# 62213179.

S. Farrell, S. J. Krause, N. Ruzycki, A. L. Genau, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, C. A. Bodnar, J. D-C. Shih, D. Lepek, L. Corneal, S. Ciston, and R. E. Eitel. "A Virtual Community of Practice to Introduce Evidence-based Pedagogy in Chemical, Materials, and Biological Engineering Courses." Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference of the American Society of Engineering Education, Seattle, WA (2015).

J. M. Iwata-Harms, R. V. Chopdekar, F. J. Wong, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, C. A. Jenkins, E. Arenholz, and Y. Suzuki. "Magnetic Tunneling and Spin Filtering Behavior in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/ CuCr2O4/ Fe3O4 Magnetic Junctions." Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 012405 (2015).

B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, H. Zhou, P.V. Balachandran, G. Fabbris, J. Hoffman, D. Haskel, J.M. Rondinelli, and Anand Bhattacharya. "Polar cation ordering: route to introducing >10% bond strain into layered oxide films." Adv. Func. Mater. 24, 6884 (2014).

P.V. Balachandran, A. Cammarata, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, A. Bhattacharya, and J.M. Rondinelli. "Inductive crystal field control in layered metal oxides with correlated electrons." APL Materials 2, 076110 (2014). * APL Materials Editor's Pick.
J. Hoffman, I.C. Tung, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, M. Liu, J. Freeland and A. Bhattacharya. "Charge transfer and interfacial magnetism in (LaNiO3)n/(LaMnO3)2superlattices." Phys. Rev. B 88, 144411 (2013).

M. Liu, J. Hoffman, J. Wang, J. Zhang, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, A. Bhattacharya. "Non-volatile ferroelastic switching of the Verwey transition and resistivity of epitaxial Fe3O4/PMN-PT(011)."Scientific Reports 3, 1876 (2013).

S. Smadici, B.B. Nelson-Cheeseman, A. Bhattacharya, and P. Abbamonte. "Interface ferromagnetism in a SrMnO3/LaMnO3 superlattice." Phys. Rev. B 86, 174427 (2012).

J. M. Iwata-Harms, F. J. Wong, U. S. Alaan, B. J. Kirby, J. A. Borchers, M. F. Toney, B. B. Nelson- Cheeseman, M. Liberati, E. Arenholz, and Y. Suzuki. "Controlling spin ordering in frustrated magnets via thin film heteroepitaxy." Phys. Rev. B 85, 214424 (2012).

B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, R. V. Chopdekar, M. F. Toney, E. Arenholz and Y. Suzuki. "Interplay between magnetism and chemical structure at spinel-spinel interfaces." J. Appl Phys. 111, 093903 (2012).

J. C. Rojas Sanchez, B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, M. Granada, E. Arenholz and L. B. Steren. "Exchange-bias effect at La0.75Sr0.25MnO3/LaNiO3interfaces." Phys. Rev. B. 85, 094427 (2012).

A. B. Shah, B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, G. Subramanian, A. Bhattacharya and J. C. H. Spence. "Structural Induced Magnetization in a La2/3Sr4/3MnO4Superlattice." Phys. Status Solidi A 1-6 (2012) * Cover Article.

B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, A. B. Shah, T. S. Santos, S. D. Bader, J.-M. Zuo, and A. Bhattacharya. "Cation- ordering Effects in the Single Layered Manganite La2/3Sr4/3MnO4." Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 072505 (2011).

R. V. Chopdekar, B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, M. Liberati, E. Arenholz and Y. Suzuki. "Role of magnetic anisotropy in spin-filter junctions." Phys. Rev. B 83, 224426 (2011).

B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, R.V. Chopdekar, M. F. Toney, J. Iwata, E. Arenholz and Y. Suzuki. "Modified magnetic ground state in NiMn2O4thin films." Phys. Rev. B 82, 144419 (2010). * PRB Editor's Suggestion.

B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, F. J. Wong, R.V. Chopdekar, E. Arenholz, and Y. Suzuki. "Room temperature magnetic barrier layers in magnetic tunnel junctions." Phys. Rev. B 81, 214421 (2010). * Featured in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology.

R.V. Chopdekar, M. Liberati, Y. Takamura, L.F. Kourkoutis, J. S. Bettinger, B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, E. Arenholz, A. Doran, A. Scholl, D. A. Muller, and Y. Suzuki. "Magnetism at spinel thin film interfaces probed through soft X-ray spectroscopy techniques." J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 322, 2915 (2010).

R. Bali, B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, A. Scholl, E. Arenholz, Y. Suzuki, and M. G. Blamire. "Competing anisotropies in antiferromagnet-ferromagnet-antiferromagnet trilayers." J. Appl. Phys. 106, 113925 (2009).

J. M. Iwata, R. V. Chopdekar, F. J. Wong, B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, E. Arenholz, and Y. Suzuki. "Enhanced magnetization of CuCr2O4thin films by substrate-induced strain." J. Appl. Phys. 105, 07A905 (2009).

Y. Suzuki, B. Nelson-Cheeseman, F. Wong, R. Chopdekar, and E. Arenholz. "Hybrid magnetic tunnel junction/ spin filter device." Proc. SPIE 7036, 70360U (2008).

B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, F. Wong, R.V. Chopdekar, M. F. Chi, N. D. Browning and Y. Suzuki. "Interface structure and transport of complex oxide junctions." J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 26, 1521 (2008).

B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, R.V. Chopdekar, J. S. Bettinger, E. Arenholz, and Y. Suzuki. "Magnetism of NiMn2O4-Fe3O4spinel interfaces." J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07B524 (2008).

B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, R. V. Chopdekar, L. M. B. Alldredge, J. S. Bettinger, E. Arenholz, and Y. Suzuki. "Probing the role of the barrier layer in magnetic tunnel junction transport." Phys. Rev. B.Rapid Comm. 76, 220410(R) (2007). * Featured in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology.

L. M. B. Alldredge, R. V. Chopdekar, B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman,and Y. Suzuki. "Spin-polarized conduction in oxide magnetic tunnel junctions with magnetic and nonmagnetic insulating barrier layers." Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 182504 (2006).

L. M. B. Alldredge, R. V. Chopdekar,B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, and Y. Suzuki. "Complex oxide-based magnetic tunnel junctions with nonmagnetic insulating barrier layers." J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08K303 (2006).

F. J. CastanÃÉo,B. Nelson-Cheeseman, R. C. O'Handley, C. A. Ross, C. Redondo, and F. CastanÃÉo. "Structure and thermomagnetic properties of polycrystalline NiMnGa thin films." J. Appl. Phys. 93, 8492 (2003)