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Lucas Koerner

Associate Professor

Electrical & Computer Engineering

  • Education
  • PhD, 2010, Physics, Cornell University.
    MS, 2006, Physics, Cornell University.
    BA, 2003, Integrated Science Program, Physics and Mathematics, Northwestern University.

  • Expertise
  • Image sensors, camera systems, optical time-of-flight, sensors, CMOS x-ray detectors, electrical instrumentation and data acquisition, instrumentation development for science.
  • Research Interests
  • Instrumentation for photon detection, electronics for point-of-care and low-cost medical diagnostics, high-speed x-ray detectors, open source hardware, and CMOS imagers.

    View Dr. Lucas Koerner's research.

Lucas develops electronics instrumentation for novel detection applications. At Cornell, he designed CMOS readout circuits for new x-ray detectors that opened windows to single particle x-ray diffraction measurements and time-resolved measurements of combusting metallic foils. During his time at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab he created radiation-hardened CMOS electronics for a time-of-flight based charged particle spectroscope destined for civilian space missions. Most recently, he led an electrical test team for cameras in mobile devices at a Fortune 500 company in the San Francisco Bay Area.


  • ENGR350 Introduction to Electronics
  • PHYS341 Electricity & Magnetism
  • ENGR342 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
  • ENG230 Digital Design
  • ETLS630 Sensors for IoT and Autonomy
  • ENGR480/481 Senior Design Clinic

Logan Truman, Emily Whitwam, Brittany B. Nelson-Cheeseman, and Lucas J. Koerner (2020) 'Conductive 3D printing: resistivity dependence upon infill pattern and application to EMI shielding' Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

Thomas W. Secord, L.J. Koerner, and Kopas, R. (2020)'An Integrated I2C Sensor Network for Transcatheter Heart Valves' Design of Medical Devices Conference

Ryan M Jans, Adam S. Green, and Lucas J. Koerner, (2020) 'Characterization of a Miniaturized IR Depth Sensor with a Programmable Region-of-Interest that Enables Hazard Mapping Applications' IEEE Sensors Journal

Lucas J. Koerner and Thomas W. Secord (2019) An Embedded Electrical Impedance Analyzer Based on the AD5933 for the Determination of Voice Coil Motor Mechanical Properties Sensors and Actuators A: Physical

Lucas J. Koerner, Thomas A. Caswell, Daniel B. Allan, and Stuart I. Campbell (2019) 'A Python Instrument Control and Data Acquisition Suite for Reproducible Research' IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Lucas J. Koerner, (2019) 'Instrbuilder: A Python package for electrical instrument control' Journal of Open Source Software

Lucas J. Koerner, Savannah M. Johnson, and Lucas S. Manke (2018) 'Multiple Sampling Photodiode Readout That Overcomes ADC Resolution Limit' 2018 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC)

Boutet, S.; Lomb, L.; Williams, G. J.; Barends, T. R. M.; Aquila, A.; Doak, R. B.; Weierstall, U.; DePonte, D. P.; Steinbrener, J.; Shoeman, R. L., … Koerner, L.J.; & others (2012), 'High-resolution protein structure determination by serial femtosecond crystallography',Science337(6092), 362-364.

Meshot, E. R.; Verploegen, E.; Bedewy, M.; Tawfick, S.; Woll, A. R.; Green, K. S.; Hromalik, M.; Koerner, L. J.; Philipp, H. T.; Tate, M. W. & others (2012), 'High-speed in situ X-ray scattering of carbon nanotube film nucleation and self-organization',Acs Nano6(6), 5091-5101.

Kelly, S. T.; Trenkle, J. C.; Koerner, L. J.; Barron, S. C.; Walker, N.; Pouliquen, P. O.; Tate, M. W.; Gruner, S. M.; Dufresne, E. M.; Weihs, T. P. & others (2011), 'Fast X-ray microdiffraction techniques for studying irreversible transformations in materials',Journal of synchrotron radiation18(3), 464-474.

Koerner, L. J.; Gillilan, R. E.; Green, K. S.; Wang, S. & Gruner, S. M. (2011), 'Small-angle solution scattering using the mixed-mode pixel array detector',Journal of synchrotron radiation18(2), 148-156.

Koerner, L. J. & Gruner, S. M. (2011), 'X-ray analog pixel array detector for single synchrotron bunch time-resolved imaging',Journal of synchrotron radiation18(2), 157-164.

Philipp, H. T.; Hromalik, M.; Tate, M.; Koerner, L. & Gruner, S. M. (2011), 'Pixel array detector for X-ray free electron laser experiments',Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment649(1), 67-69.

Philipp, H. T.; Koerner, L. J.; Hromalik, M. S.; Tate, M. W. & Gruner, S. M. (2010), 'Femtosecond radiation experiment detector for x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) coherent x-ray imaging',IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science57(6), 3795-3799.

Trenkle, J. C.; Koerner, L. J.; Tate, M. W.; Walker, N.; Gruner, S. M.; Weihs, T. P. & Hufnagel, T. C. (2010), 'Time-resolved x-ray microdiffraction studies of phase transformations during rapidly propagating reactions in Al/Ni and Zr/Ni multilayer foils',Journal of Applied Physics107(11), 113511.

Koerner, L. J.; Tate, M. W. & Gruner, S. M. (2009), 'An accumulating pixel array detector for single-bunch synchrotron experiments',IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science56(5), 2835-2842.

Koerner, L. J.; Philipp, H. T.; Hromalik, M. S.; Tate, M. W. & Gruner, S. M. (2009), 'X-ray tests of a pixel array detector for coherent x-ray imaging at the Linac Coherent Light Source',Journal of Instrumentation4(03), P03001.

Rodricks, B.; Fowler, B.; Liu, C.; Lowes, J.; Koerner, L. J.; Tate, M. W. & Gruner, S. M. (2009), 'A quantum-limited CMOS-sensor-based high-speed imaging system for time-resolved x-ray scattering',inSPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications, pp. 74490Y-74490Y.

Trenkle, J. C.; Koerner, L. J.; Tate, M. W.; Gruner, S. M.; Weihs, T. P. & Hufnagel, T. C. (2008), 'Phase transformations during rapid heating of Al/Ni multilayer foils',Applied physics letters93(8), 081903.

Philipp, H. T.; Koerner, L. J.; Hromalik, M.; Tate, M. W. & Gruner, S. M. (2007), 'Pixel array detector for the capture of femtosecond duration x-ray images',inProc. SPIE, pp. 67030O.

Vernon, W.; Allin, M.; Hamlin, R.; Hontz, T.; Nguyen, D.; Augustine, F.; Gruner, S. M.; Xuong, N. H.; Schuette, D. R.; Tate, M. W. & others (2007), 'First results from the 128x128 pixel mixed-mode Si x-ray detector chip',inProc. SPIE, pp. 67060U.

Liu, X.; Im, K.-S.; Wang, Y.; Wang, J.; Hung, D. L. S.; Winkelman, J. R.; Tate, M. W.; Ercan, A.; Koerner, L. J.; Caswell, T. & others (2006), 'Quantitative characterization of near-field fuel sprays by multi-orifice direct injection using ultrafast x-tomography technique', Technical report, SAE Technical Paper.

Koerner, L.J.; Current recycling voice-coil-motor (VCM) driver circuit, US patent 9621096B1