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Enhanced Digital Stethoscope

Project Summary

The digitally enhanced stethoscope is multifaceted and capable of capturing a heartbeat signal. It will be able to capture an accurate signal to later be used to diagnose patients with potential heart problems such as cardiac arrest, arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation. This is a continuation project from last year. Last year’s team was able to make a design that captured a signal at a precise placement on a patient’s chest. This year’s team has modified the design to be lighter, easier to handle, use more sophisticated signal processing and have a more complete form with a PCB.

Design Goal

To design a working prototype that is ergonomic to hold and capable of capturing and filtering an EKG signal by placing it on a patient’s chest with feedback to the clinician.

Design Constraints

  • Shall have a circular form factor
  • Cost lower than $250
  • Display live feedback on positioning
  • Contain a PCB for the purpose of filtering and amplifying the signal
  • Able to save the information onto a SD card
  • The prototype shall be 25% (9.75 oz) lighter than the previous design (13 oz)
  • The prototype shall be 25% (11.81 in3) smaller than the previous design (15.74 in3) in size
Auris AI enhanced digital stethoscope design view (3 buttons)

Auris AI enhanced digital stethoscope design view (3 buttons)

Auris AI enhanced digital stethoscope design view (2 buttons)

Auris AI enhanced digital stethoscope design view (2 buttons)