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X-Ray Displacement Application Machine

Project Summary

Medical devices undergo many forces during implantation and use. It is important to be able to characterize a device’s behavior under various bending, compression, and tension forces. We will create a machine that can subject medical devices to deformation on multiple axis (X, Z, rotational), executes commands on its own, and is able to display and sync force measurements with a camera or X-Ray system. The system should also be optionally operable with no desktop computer necessary. This product is not used in testing actual medical devices but is used to characterize materials and in early development for medical devices.

Design Goal

This project aims to build upon another team’s design of a desktop tensile tester to be used in testing medical device packaging and parts. The deliverables include a fully functioning desktop CNC machine along with software to sync force and image measurements which can be used as a stand-alone system and operated from
a distance, outside of X-Ray housing systems.

Design Constraints

  • The device shall work in unison with Digital Image Correlation (DIC) tracker software.
  • The device shall be able to rotate one of the fixtures 180 degrees to apply a torque of at least 32-inch ounces.
  • The device shall be able to execute the deformation process remotely to allow an operator to adjust forces applied externally to an X-Ray machine.
  • The device shall fit within the 12x15x10 inch X-Ray area.
  • The top moving apparatus shall be able to move 6 inches in the horizontal and vertical directions from the origin location.
  • The device shall be built with parts with an obsolescence timeframe of more than 1 year.
  • The device shall produce a linear force greater than 20 lbf.
  • Digital Image Correlation system’s view of the test sample must be unobstructed.
  • Machine shall be able to operate in accordance with user interface to send g-code scripts for repetitive motion.
FRAIM II device for tensile testing

FRAIM II device for tensile testing